Tridosha Churna

Tridosha Churna

Recipe yield: 16 servings*

* 1 serving: ¼ teaspoon

Ingredients & Materials:

1 Teaspoon Whole Coriander Seeds

1 Teaspoon whole fennel seeds

1 Teaspoon Cumin Seeds

1 Medium frypan

1 wooden Spatula


Cooking Method:   Prep Time: 5 minutes   Cooking time: 2-3 minutes   Total Time: 10-15 Minutes

  1. Add all the ingredients to fry pan.
  2. Dry Roast all spices with the wooden spatula on low heat for 2-3 minutes
  3. Turn off the heat.
  4. Let the spices cool down completely.
  5. Grind the spices to fine powder, store in a glass spice jar.
  6. Tridosha churna is ready to use in a tea or to add flavor to khichari.
